Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend in Milan

We spent Memorial Weekend creating our new gardens.  On Saturday, we build our new bed.  On Sunday, we hauled soil.  We'd had 5 cubic yards of topsoil delivered, but because of the lay of our property, the dump truck had to dump it farther than we would have liked.  Today, we filled the other small beds with soil and then planted all of the beds.  

The largest bed (from right to left) is: tomatoes, carrots, brussels sprouts, beans, peas, zucchini squash, acorn squash, and then space for potatoes and onions.

The left-hand small bed has chives, salad greens, spinach, and cilantro.  The right small bed has oregano, two kinds of basil, and parsley.  We also planted six tubs of patio tomatoes, which are on the deck.  Oh, and we added some annuals to our mini flower garden.  When it was done, we took Birdie for a ride and picked some rocks, to add to Michelle's repairs to the pond.  

I'm sore and tired, but I'm also really contented.  Mostly, my work isn't physical; it's far more cerebral.  I found working physically hard very satisfying.  And, I'm already anticipating a summer of fresh veggies.  Michelle is cautious, calling this a test year for the garden.   I'm hopeful. 

1 comment:

LB said...

Good on ya HG, sounds like a profoundly fine life. Best wishes to both and Birdie too.